Star Wars   

  Make it down the hill without being shot
  Have your target shot
  Enemy fire from both sides

Starting at the top of a hill, the contestant sits in a small cable car, armed with a laser gun. Positioned down the hill are several guard-manned stations. All the stations have a sensor on.
As the cable car moves down the hill the contestant has to try and shoot a sensor on one of the stations. If the contestant manages to hit one of the guard's sensors, all the stations will go up in smoke, they win the game and move on to the Show Down.
However, the guards fight back. There's also a target on the contestant's car. If the guards shoot this the contestant has failed.
The contestants don't need to hit a guard's sensor to win. If they manage to make it all the way down the hill, without having the target on their cable car hit, the contestant automatically wins and moves on to the Show Down.

Played   3  times;  in episodes:
106, 108, 109

106 Cannonballing
There are four active guard stations, which shoot balls from cannons. On the contestant's cable car are two targets - one on each side. If a guard hits one of these targets with a ball, the car goes up in smoke and the contestant loses.
108, 109 Laser Eye
There are five active stations, each manned by a guard with a laser gun. On the contestant's cable car is a sensor. If a guard hits the sensor the car will go up in smoke and the contestant loses.

 BGM:  "Star Wars" Theme