Thailand flag  Turtle Power... Shaken Wave / Turtle Path

Green tick  Cross the floating platforms and reach the goal
Red X  Fall into the water
Skull icon  The pirates won't rest until you're in the lake

A long bridge of 15 slippery platforms are floating in a lake. On the whistle, the contestant must start running over them to reach the finish platform at the other end.
A few seconds after the contestant has set off, a pirate (or other guard) takes chase. The contestant needs to be quick as, if the pirate catches them, they'll be thrown into the water.
After a short while a second pirate will enter the game too.

Played   29  times;  in episodes:
6, 8-9, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22-23, 25, 28, 31, 38, 41, 43, 46, 48, 51, 53, 62, 64, 66, 69, 70, 73, 76, 78, 79, 81 [+ 82]

9 Missing Turtle
The 10th turtle is removed, leaving a big gap to leap across.
25 Sword-Wielding Pirates
Pirates use inflatable swords to try to knock contestants off.
46 Three Pirates
Three pirates chase after the contestant at the same time.
48 Bunny Baby
From halfway, contestants must carry Sky Flyer to the goal.
51 Baby Turtle
The tenth turtle is replaced by a tiny turtle platform.
53 Water Cannon
Guards blast a water cannon from the goal platform.
70 Big Blue Balls
Guards throw gym balls at contestants from the goal platform.
76 Banana Slip
One turtle platfrom is covered in banana skins.

For the first appearance of the game, all 15 platforms were turtle-shaped. From episode 8 onwards the last five platforms became squid-shaped. These squids are trickier to step on to because their heads and tentacles are made from spongier, less supportive, material.