Karuta Pattern / Karuta Study   

  Be the first on top of the correct answer
  Get beaten to the correct answer
  Other hands want to beat you to the punch

A group of contestants play at the same time. Spread out around the playing area are lots of giant cards. The teacher reads out a question and the contestants have to run and find the correct answer.
Once they've found the card with the right answer on they have to fall face-first on top of it. The first person to fall onto the correct card wins. There are several rounds for each group, so there is more than one chance to win.

Played   17  times;  in episodes:
31, 32, 45, 55, 67, 73, 85, 90, 91, 94, 95, 103, 107, 109, 114, 122, 130

31 to 67 Karuta Cards
10 contestants play at the same time.
Each card has a different hiragana character on. A sentence is read out and the contestants have to find the card with the same character that began the sentence.
73 to 85 Maths Test
10 contestants play at the same time. Each card has a different number on it. An equation is read out and the contestants have to find the correct answer.
90 to 122 Maths Battle
The rules are the same as before; but now only five contestants play per group, while the other five players are Emerald Guards. Only five rounds are played per group, so there's a chance that all contestants could fail to win the game.
94 Music Battle
Written on the cards are the titles of different peices of music. Song clips are played instead of a question being asked.
130 Dirty Hands
The game is played in the mudflats of the Ariake Sea. This time, instead of full costumes, the contestants only have a giant foam hand over one of their hands. To first person to put their giant hand on the correct card wins.

 BGM:  "Sky Kid (Arranged Theme)" - Namco Game Music

This game is based on Uta-garuta, or Poetry Karuta - a Japanese traditional card game in which players must be the first to grab the card that completes the poem being read out.