Slimy Quiz   

  Choose the right exit
  Choose the wrong exit
  Not knowing the answer

Before the game begins, the contestant has a bucket of clear slime dumped over them. They're then asked a general knowledge question with a choice of two answers, A or B.
At the bottom of a bumpy slope are two exits - A and B - covered by curtains. The contestant has to slide, or crawl, their way from the top to the bottom of the slope, and slip through the exit that they think corresponds to the correct answer to the question.
If they've chosen the right answer they'll slide out onto a dry platform. If they've chosen the incorrect answer they'll fall straight into water.

Played   6  times;  in episodes:
1-3, 5-7

Question Slime is one of three "Comeback" challenges. Contestants who have lost a previous game get the chance to earn their place back in the General's army by winning this game.