Daruma-san Fell Down   

  Reach the top of the hill
  Be seen moving
  Darumas topple easily..!

A group of 10 contestants have to make their way up a ramp to reach the goal, but are only allowed to move when the Guard at the top isn't looking. This is made hard by the giant Daruma costumes they are wearing.
When the Guard is facing the other way they chant "Daruma-san ga koronda" ("The Daruma fell down"). This lets the contestants know how much time they have to move and when they should stop. As soon as the guard finishes the chant they turn around. Anyone caught moving will be pushed down the hill and are out of the game.
Only those who make it to the top of the ramp, without falling over, have cleared the game.

Played   1  time;  in episode:

In episode 3, buckets of ball pit balls were rolled at the contestants - however they had no effect and weren't featured in the final episode itself!